Halo effect

Halo effect

The halo effect is a psychological phenomenon in which our perception of a certain characteristic or quality of a person or object influences our evaluation of other characteristics or qualities. When we perceive a person or object as positive, we tend to evaluate all other characteristics more positively than we would otherwise.

In neuromarketing, the halo effect can be used to create a positive perception of a brand or product that affects all aspects of the brand or product. For example, well-designed packaging of a product can create a positive perception of the quality and value of the product, which can lead to the customer being willing to pay more for the product.

In addition, the halo effect can also be utilised through the use of influencers in advertising. If a person who is respected and admired by the target group recommends or uses a product, this can help to create a positive perception of the product in the minds of consumers, which has an impact on other aspects of the product.

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