An incentive is an incentive or reward that is used to motivate or influence people to perform certain behaviours or actions. As a rule, an incentive is used to encourage or reinforce a desired behaviour by offering a positive reward for the desired behaviour.
Incentives can take various forms, such as financial incentives, vouchers, discounts or gifts. They are used in various areas, such as marketing, personnel management or healthcare.
In neuromarketing, incentives can help increase the attention and engagement of the target audience by incentivising them to buy or use a particular product or service. Incentives can also help build customer trust and loyalty to a brand or company by providing a positive experience and reward for their loyalty.
In the field of neuroweb design, incentives can help to increase the conversion rate of a website by incentivising visitors to perform a desired action, such as purchasing a product or completing a registration form. A skilfully used incentive can help increase visitor trust and loyalty, improving engagement and conversions on the website.