Incentivisation refers to the use of incentives or rewards to influence or motivate people's behaviour. In neuromarketing, incentivisation is used to influence consumers' purchasing decisions and increase the sale of products or services.
Targeted incentivisation can activate the brain's reward system and thus increase the desire for a product. For example, companies can offer rewards such as discounts, gifts, vouchers or bonuses to influence the purchasing behaviour of customers. Such incentives can increase the perception of the value and benefits of the product and make customers more likely to buy it.
Incentivisation can also be used in advertising to increase consumer awareness and engagement. For example, companies can organise competitions or surveys and award prizes or rewards to those who participate or carry out certain actions. Such incentives can increase consumer interaction with the brand and encourage a positive attitude towards the brand.
However, it is important to note that incentivisation is not always effective and that the use of incentives can also have negative effects if used incorrectly or if consumer expectations are not met. Therefore, neuromarketing companies should carefully consider which types of incentives are best suited to their target audience and how they can use them most effectively to encourage the desired behaviour.