Java is an object-orientated programming language that was originally developed by Sun Microsystems and is now maintained by Oracle. Java code is usually compiled into so-called bytecode files that can be executed on any platform that has a Java runtime environment. Java is often used for the development of applications and websites and is particularly well known for its security features and portability.
JavaScript, on the other hand, is a scripting language that is often executed in web browsers to enable interactivity and dynamic functions on websites. Unlike Java, JavaScript is not compiled into bytecode, but embedded as text in HTML pages or stored in separate files. JavaScript is therefore a language that is executed on the client side, while Java is generally used on the server side.
To summarise, Java and JavaScript are both programming languages, but they are used for different purposes and at different levels. Java is a universal programming language that is used on various platforms and applications, while JavaScript is primarily used for creating dynamic functions and interactivity on websites.