John Bargh

John A. Bargh

John A. Bargh is an American social psychologist and professor at Yale University. He is a well-known expert on human behaviour and his research has focused in particular on unconscious processes and the automaticity of behaviour.

Bargh has made important contributions to the field of neuromarketing by emphasising the role of unconscious processes in consumer decision-making and behaviour. His research has shown that consumer behaviour is often unconsciously influenced by certain stimuli and environments, such as smells, colours or music. These subconscious factors can also influence the perception of brands and products and thus influence customers' purchasing decisions.

Bargh has also shown that our decisions are often influenced by certain "primers" that can affect us in an unconscious way. For example, looking at pictures of happy people or listening to positive music can make us react more favourably to a certain product or brand.

These findings have helped companies and market research organisations to increasingly rely on neuromarketing technologies to measure consumers' brain activity and find out how they react to advertising and other marketing stimuli. By applying Bargh's findings, they can develop marketing strategies that are tailored to the unconscious needs and desires of customers and are therefore more effective.

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