

The neocortex is the outermost layer of the cerebrum and plays an important role in perception, cognition, language, memory and consciousness. In neuromarketing, the neocortex is of particular importance as it is responsible for complex cognitive processes such as understanding advertising messages, recognising brands and remembering product details.

The neocortex is divided into different regions, each of which is responsible for different cognitive functions. For example, the prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision-making and self-control, while the somatosensory cortex is responsible for tactile perception and the visual cortex for visual processing. In neuromarketing, these different regions of the neocortex can be used to reinforce or suppress certain advertising messages and brands in order to influence consumers' perceptions and reactions.

In addition, the neocortex is also an important factor in the development of cognitive neuromarketing methods such as EEG and fMRI, which can help to improve the understanding of cognitive processes and neuronal activity in the processing of advertising messages and brands.

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