

Siloing, also known as topic clustering or topic siloing, is an advanced SEO strategy that aims to optimise the structure of a website to improve its visibility in search engines. This technique involves organising content into thematic groups or silos, which strengthens the relevance and authority of a website for certain keywords.

The basic idea behind siloing is to ensure that related content on a website is organised logically and hierarchically. This is usually done by creating thematic clusters where a main topic or category is defined, followed by sub-categories and individual pages relating to more specific aspects of the topic.

A key benefit of siloing is that it helps search engines to better understand the relationship between different content on a website. This can help search engines to better assess the relevance of a website for certain search queries and thus improve rankings in search results.

Another important aspect of siloing is internal linking. Within a silo, pages should be linked to each other to signal to users and search engines that they belong together. At the same time, however, no unnecessary links should be created between different silos in order to maintain thematic separation.

However, it is important to note that siloing is not suitable for every website or project. It requires careful planning and organisation of content, and it can be time-consuming. Therefore, every website owner should carefully consider whether siloing is the right SEO strategy for their particular project.

In summary, siloing is a powerful SEO strategy that can help improve a website's visibility in search engines by organising content into thematic clusters. However, this technique requires thorough planning and implementation and is not suitable for every website. It is important to consider the individual requirements and goals of the project before deciding on siloing.

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