System 1 and System 2 are terms from cognitive psychology and also play an important role in neuromarketing.
System 1 refers to the intuitive, fast and automatic thinking that our brain uses for everyday tasks. It is an informal, associative and emotionally influenced thinking system. System 1 is efficient and works unconsciously, without us being aware of its work. It is based on automated processes that are shaped by experience, emotions and stereotypes.
In neuromarketing, System 1 is used to elicit a quick and intuitive response to advertising or marketing messages. As System 1 reacts quickly and intuitively, emotionally appealing messages or images that are easy to understand are particularly effective.
One example of this is the use of colours in advertising. Certain colours can trigger an automatic reaction in the brain and have an emotional effect that increases interest in a product. The use of pictorial and simple messages that appeal to System 1 can also help to ensure that an advertising message is remembered.
It is important to note that System 1 does not always act rationally and can make decisions based on emotions and prejudices. In advertising, this can be used to influence consumers, but it can also lead to wrong decisions. For this reason, it is important that advertising campaigns also target System 2, which refers to conscious, slow and analytical thinking.