
One Journey through the human Brain.

In neuromarketing, we focus on designing advertising measures in such a way that they influence the customer's decision-making process. As one of the first neuromarketing agencies in Germany, we know what is important. Join us on a journey through the human brain.

Facts instead of gut feeling: advertising that really works.
Over 10 years of experience in psychology and marketing.
Experience from 150 projects and 1.2 million euros adspend.

The tip of the iceberg.

A majestic iceberg towers in the endless expanse of the ocean. Only a small part of this icy colossus, about 10%, is visible and rises above the mirror-smooth surface of the water. Just like this visible tip of the iceberg, our conscious thinking represents only a small part of our mental capacity. This is the part of our mind where logical thinking, rational decision-making and active concentration take place. It is the part where we consciously analyse information, solve problems and make conscious decisions.

It is as if every thought we grasp here is clear and tangible, just like the cold, hard surface of the iceberg that we can see with the naked eye and touch with our hands. In this space of consciousness, we often believe that we have full control over our decisions and actions. Everything seems transparent and understandable. Our goals and intentions are clearly defined here, and we navigate through our daily tasks with a sense of clarity and determination, guided by this visible part of the iceberg.

The unconscious.

But beneath the calm surface of the water, in the dark depths of the ocean, lies the much larger and mysterious part of the iceberg, invisible and hidden from the eyes of the world. This enormous mass of ice stretches deep and wide and anchors the iceberg firmly in the sea. It is this invisible part that determines the true character and depth of the iceberg. It is similar with our subconscious. It harbours memories from our childhood, hidden fears, deep-seated beliefs, dreams and powerful unconscious impulses.

The shadows of the past lurk in these depths, influencing our present without us realising it. It is the unconscious currents that often determine the direction in which we drift. The most intense emotions and creative impulses also take place in this hidden world. It feeds on experiences that we have long forgotten and beliefs that we have never questioned. While the conscious mind believes it is in control, it is the currents of the subconscious that determine the true course of our lives.


of our decisions are made unconsciously.

G. Zaltman: Journal of Consumer Research, 2000

Proportion of time in which people think unconsciously
Share of emotional purchasing decisions
Proportion of habitual decisions
Percentage of companies utilising these findings

Understanding that people make almost all decisions  unconsciously  is the basis of neuromarketing.

What does this have to do with marketing?

Neuromarketing combines the precision of science with the creativity of marketing to develop a deep understanding of consumers' wants and needs. In this field, the invisible processes of the human mind are researched to find out which factors really guide our decisions in everyday life. These insights allow us to design messages and products that align with consumers' unconscious likes and dislikes. By understanding factors such as emotional resonance, cognitive load and subconscious associations, neuromarketing can help develop more effective and engaging marketing strategies.

Within neuromarketing, a wide range of techniques and methods are used to explore the depths of human consciousness. These techniques include not only the analysis of brain wave patterns using electroencephalography (EEG) and the observation of brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), but also extend to behaviour-based studies. For example, facial expression analyses and skin conductance measurements are used to record emotional reactions and stress levels. These methods make it possible to recognise subtle emotional nuances and unconscious reactions to marketing stimuli that go beyond traditional survey methods.

People make decisions unconsciously. emotional. intuitive.

This is how we utilise these findings.

Brain research and psychology research provide us with valuable insights into the brain activity triggered by various marketing stimuli. We analyse this data to understand which aspects of marketing communication trigger positive emotional reactions, attention and memory activation in consumers. Several hundred analysed studies form the basis of the marketing measures we create.

However, our approach goes beyond simply analysing these studies. We combine these findings with direct analyses of user behaviour on websites. Through techniques such as eye tracking and the evaluation of online interactions - for example scrolling behaviour and mouse movements - we can develop a deep understanding of how users interact with digital content. This method enables us to recognise patterns that indicate an increased willingness to buy.

The emergence of neuromarketing.

Advances in imaging research are providing new insights into the human brain.


First companies experiment with neuroscientific research methods in marketing


Neuromarketing is slowly beginning to be recognised as an independent discipline.


Various techniques become popular and the ethics of neuromarketing come to the fore.


Integration of AI and advanced data analyses into neuromarketing-based research.


of our decisions are made unconsciously.¹ But neuromarketing can have a significant impact on the majority of these decisions.

The knowledge from the Neurowebdesign is useful for all areas of marketing and everyday life.

Competitive advantage.

The Neuromarketing is based on studies and facts, not on subjective feelings.

Neuromarketing ensures more Turnover. New customers. Effectiveness. Attention. Trust. Customer loyalty.

+ 0%
Turnover through the use of neuromarketing.³
Measurable success.

Our brain has been working the same way for thousands of years, and the knowledge about it always remains up to date.


of texts on websites remain unread.² Neurowebdesign dramatically lowers this value, resulting in a significantly higher completion rate on websites.

¹ G. Zaltman: Consumer Researchers: Take A Hike!, Journal of Consumer Research, 2000, 26, 423-428
² N. Safran: 5 Data Insights into the Headlines Readers Click, SEOMoz, Inc., 2013
³ Average value based on data from 108 customers with an ad spend of EUR 1.1 million