We make the hidden visible. With neurotracking.
Neurotracking is a fascinating field that pushes the boundaries of traditional web analytics by delving deeper into user behaviour and reactions. It combines classic analyses of websites, such as measuring the number of visitors, sources of origin, bounce rates and conversions, with more advanced methods that were previously rather hidden.

Eye tracking: knowing in advance where users are take a look.
A key element of neurotracking is virtual eye tracking. This technology makes it possible to understand where users are looking on a website. It provides insights into which areas attract the most attention and which may be overlooked. This information is particularly valuable for optimising the design of the website.
How users really act: The Mouse tracking.
Another important aspect of neurotracking is mouse tracking. This involves analysing how users move their mouse around the website, where they linger and what they click on. This data provides information on how users interact with the website, which areas they find intuitively appealing and which navigation elements could perhaps be improved.

The combination of all this information from classic web analyses and the deeper insights of neurotracking enables a comprehensive view of the user experience on a website. These insights are crucial for optimising the website not only functionally, but also in terms of user-friendliness and engagement.
By understanding how and why users make certain decisions on a website, web designers and developers can make more targeted changes. This can lead to a dramatic improvement in a website's performance, be it in the form of higher conversion rates, improved user engagement or a generally more positive user experience.